A Comprehensive Approach to Financial Planning

We develop comprehensive financial plans that address these common questions:

Pensions and Retirement Planning

Can you explain my Pension Plan?

should I buy back service?
will I get enough in retirement?

Can I afford to retire now?

Which pension option should I choose?

Which pension investment choice is right for me?

How much do I have to save now to retire in X years?

Am I eligible for government benefits in retirement?

Am I or is someone else in my family eligible for disability benefits?

I haven’t reviewed my will in the past two years. What do I need to update?

Am I paying too much tax?

Did I get all the deductions I should have in the last year?

Estate and Risk Planning

I want to leave my heirs money in the most tax-effective manner when I die. How do I do that?

Who will look after me and my money if I am incapacitated?

How do I reduce probate fees?

Is my investment portfolio performing well?

Does my investment portfolio have too little or too much risk?

Should I have more or less foreign exposure in my account?

Do I have enough/too much life insurance?

Do I have the best kind of insurance?

What happens if I become disabled?

How will I pay for my own / my parents health care costs in retirement?

Should I have critical illness insurance?

Asset and Debt Management

Should I buy or lease my car?

How can I structure personal debt to maximize the tax benefits of my investments?


How should we divide our assets?

Should I trade RRSPs for the house?

How will spousal and child support be taxed?

How much $ as a lump sum now eliminates the need for spousal support in the future?

Is this asset division tax-efficient? Is there a better way?